Zafer Topaloglu's video 'Destroying Sulukule' will be shown at the Darklight @ The Joinery Festival in Dublin on October 9 and 10. In September, Zafer started the WdKA master Media Design & Communication: Lens-Based Digital Media.

Zafer's short video shows the Neslişah and Hatice Sultan neighbourhoods, known as Sulukule, by the historical İstanbul ramparts in the Fatih district on the European side of Istanbul. The area faces total demolition and will be replaced by new villa style homes. However, Sulukule is home to a Roma community since 1054 and one of the oldest Romany settlements in Europe. The urban renewal project will not only destroy this historic neighbourhood, but will force 3,500 Sulukule residents 40 kilometers outside of the city. Though the mayor claims that the project is the most social project of the world, inhabitants say he hasn't asked them about their thoughts and opinions.

Click here if you want to read more about this Irish film festival for filmmakers, animators and artists. Alternatively, take a sneak peak at some at Zafer's work.

Zafer, good luck and enjoy!