of the master design


The tutors of the Master Design have all linked professional practices, from which they bring in current experiences and knowledge. As a team, they work closely together on curriculum and assessments, keeping a keen eye on changes which are necessary for the students to get the most out of their design research.

Design Research

Jop Japenga is Research Director with Afdeling Buitengewone Zaken, a Rotterdam based studio for social design; he combines an experimental approice with critical thinking.
Jop Japenga

Sietske Klooster is embodied designer, researcher at the TU Eindhoven and farrier – which for her is as much design as any of her other activities.
Sietske Klooster


Meike Eggers is visual artist (with an eye for social contexts), writer (with a zest for humanist scifi) and using creative writing to get to the core of who we are.
Meike Eggers visual artist & writer
Meike Eggers authorin

Moniek Driesse is graphic designer turned researcher, reflecting visually in living atlasses and having just recently finished her PhD on how water forms human stories an on how humans tell water stories.
Moniek Driesse

New Practices

Harma Staal is a long time graphic designer & tutor, who also worksh for the Research Station of the WdKA, the school under which the PZI falls.
Harma Staal

Vasilis van Gemert is a critical thinker in web design who loves nonsense and is an educator at heart.
Vasilis van Gemert

Course Director

Hanneke Briër loves graphic design & writing, which she brings into her research and (in-depth research) workshops; within the Master Design she’s the one to go to with any question.
Hanneke Briër


The Master Design works within an (international) network:

HKB Master Design for collaborations between tutors and students

HR-lector Anja Overdiek for research on the impact of social design

Follows closely on:

Social Design Showdown, an initiative of former tutor Jan Belon

Information Design Conference, in which former tutor Linda Meijer-Wassenaar is board member

St. Verhalende Journalistiek/Narrative Journalism Foundation, for new ways of research led storytelling

Design Research Society, for international developments on design research

And of course all its students & alumni!

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