If you think the Master Design suits you, feel encouraged to do apply to our program.
Though attending the Open Days or taking part in the preliminary workshops (which addresses competencies and professional performance as well as design goal and relevant context) isn’t mandatory, you are strongly encouraged to do so. Those provide you with valuable input for the application.
How to apply?
Step 1: Together with your application you first need to register in Studielink. Please go to the Studielink website and register.
- firstly, search for Hogeschool Rotterdam or Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences
- then select HBO Master
- look for your desired Master Programme
Please note that this process can take a few days before you receive an email with your 7- digit student number. Should you be applying to 2 different PZI Master programs you need to register only once in Studielink.
Step 2: Use our online application tool to upload all the required documents. Please check all the admission requirements.
Step 3: During the application process you will also have to upload academic documents in OSIRIS aanmeld. You will be notified via e-mail later in the admission process.
Wednesday 8 May 2025 via the above mentioned application tool.
If your assignment shows sufficient quality, you will receive an invitation for an application assessment.
Assessment for the 2025-2027 admission
If you think the Master Design is right for you, please submit your portfolio to us in addition to applying on Studielink. The portfolio requirements are listed below. If your portfolio fits with the ethos of our programme, we will invite you for an interview.
Approximately a week after the interview, we let you know whether you are admitted or not, and what the next steps are. Though attending the Open Days or taking part in the preliminary workshops are not mandatory, you are encouraged to do so. These provide you with valuable input for the application.
Master Design Starting Level
During the application, which provides you with opportunities to demonstrate your skills, knowledge, abilities, and goals, two members of our team will assess whether you meet the required starting level of the Master Design.
At our starting level, you demonstrate the following attitudes:
> understanding possibilities of design
> practical & logical reasoning
> open & curious research interests
> confident and future-oriented
Learning lines:
Design Research
To conduct design research, students begin by defining their design goal and corresponding questions. Students also integrate methods and tools provided by the Master Design into the development of their personal methodology. The research questions and personal methodology form the basis for conducting progressive iterations of research. This iterative approach allows students to discover how their design can be realized and when it has impact. Throughout the programme, students strategically refine their questions and methods, often collaborating with a group of participants or stakeholders to achieve this. Iterations feature well-designed materials, supporting scenarios, and specific participants, leading to the creation of relevant design prototypes and products, and new knowledge.
Students apply storytelling as a method to reflect upon and communicate their design research. A range of visual, oral, and written media are used to develop and support a strong narrative around their work. Involving participants in the design process requires a multivocal approach to storytelling. Using their documented research, students demonstrate transparency and responsibility towards participants and stakeholders while achieving their design goals. As they progress through the programme, students increasingly find their own voices as convincing storytellers.
New Practices
Students relate to emerging practices within design and society. They contribute to these practices by developing a new professional role within the context of their design research. Students strengthen and develop their professional networks through collaborations with participants, such as users of their designs, peers, experts, and stakeholders. By communicating the value of the knowledge resulting from their design research, they are able to position themselves as a designer with impact in the field. The Master Design helps students clearly and solidly define their vision and build a practice based on the new expertise they acquired.
Application Portfolio:
01_Short CV
> pdf, maximum 1 A4-sized page
• Name, address, date of birth, place of residence, nationality
• Previous education and work experience
• Brief description of current work/activities
02_Motivation Statement
> pdf, maximum 1 A4-sized page
In this statement, you tell us who you are as a designer and design researcher: what motivates you, what impact do you want to have, and why is now the right time in your practice for this course of study? Do you have particular learning goals or expectations for your growth? We are interested to hear how you expect to deepen your practice and contribute to the wider fields of design.
The portfolio consists of a document with two parts:
A reflection upon your design work
> pdf, maximum six A4-sized pages
Through a portfolio of key works in which you played a major role, you clearly demonstrate your design process and role in the work. Please present 2-3 key works, two pages of A4 each. A key work can be a design, a project, or a presentation from your professional practice. In two pages, you use images and text to share what you created, why you created it, how you created it, and for whom. Contextual details which are also useful to include are things like the context or place where the project happened, how long ago the project took place or if it is still ongoing, the relative success of the project (if it succeeded in your view, why would you call it a success? If you would do it all over again but differently, what would you change?)
A key work shows us, the readers:
• Your role, clearly stated.
• The specific design goal (the “why”)
• The process (the “how”)
• The context of your activities (the “when” and the “where”, the relevance of the work)
• The specific participants (the “whom”)
• Your final design (the “what”)
Mapping of your Design Goal
> pdf, digitally readable
The mapping shows your proposal for your design research. What could be your design goal that you wish to pursue while studying with us? Are there sub-questions? With which participants, and in which relevant societal and design practices do you wish to find answers to fulfil your goal?
> duration 30 minutes
You begin the interview with a 5-minute presentation in which you highlight information from your application portfolio and motivation statement, and in relation to your design goal. After that, the tutors interview you to determine whether you are a suitable candidate for the Master Design.
When you are invited for the interview, you will receive an email with your interview time and location, as well as example interview questions which will help you prepare.