Master of Education in Arts  Open Days 2024-2025

This year the semiannual WdKA / PZI Open Days take place on Saturday November 9 and Saturday February 15. We warmly welcome you to visit us to find out more about our program. During the open day course material as well as graduation research is on display, providing a detailed insight in the content and profile of our programme. The course director and students give presentations and there is ample time for an elaborate Q & A with staff and students. We are presenting next to our colleagues of the Master Experimental Publishing; Master Lens-Based, Master Interior Architecture: Research + Design as well as the Master Design.

Location: Willem de Kooning Academy, Wijnhaven 61,WH.01.141.

Time: 10.00 – 15.00

Master of Education in Arts — Open Information Meetings 2024-2025

Next to the annual Open Day we offer an open space for students to visit us. If you have questions about the program and are not able to attend the annual Open Day, please visit us at one of these Open Information Meetings.They are set up as an informal, open space for future participants to get to know the course and prepare their application. Each session offers an introduction to the course, practical information about how to apply and ample space to ask questions and inform yourself in detail about the program. The meetings take place at location as well as on line (for foreign students, or students with long travel distance).

Although the meetings are open, we do ask you to sign up beforehand. This helps us to prepare the meetings and estimate beforehand how many people will be coming over / participating. 

Sign up: please send an e-mail (at the latest 3 days before the meeting) with your full name and telephone number (so we can reach you if you can’t find the right room) to:

Location: Wijnhaven 61, Room number WH 04.141, the Piet Zwart Institute is situated on the 4th floor of the Willem de Kooning Academy: take the entrance at Wijnhaven 61, go to the 4th floor, straight ahead, 2nd room at the left)

Time & Dates

The application procedure is open from Dec 1st onwards (we admit students on a rolling basis, early applications are encouraged, you can also apply before the deadlines)

Saturday November 9: PZI Open Day, 10.00 – 15.00, at location of the Piet Zwart Institute.

Friday December 6 2024: 16.00 – 17.00, online (a link will be sent and published here)

Monday January 6 2025: 16.00 – 17.00, at location of the Piet Zwart Institute.

Saturday February 10: PZI Open Day, 10.00 – 15.00, at location of the Piet Zwart Institute.

1st application deadline March 4, 2025

Friday March 14: 16.00 – 17.00, online (a link will be sent and published here)

Friday April 11: 16.00 – 17.00, at location of the Piet Zwart Institute.

Final application deadline May 8, 2025